Console commands
To bring up the console, press the console button (F12 from Codename Eagle 1.33 and upwards).
Server commands
- scorelimit <num>
- Ends the game when a player/team has reached the set score.
- fraglimit <num>
- Ends the game when a player/team has reached the set amount of frags (kills).
- timelimit <num>
- Ends the game when the specified amount of time has passed.
- map <mapname>
- Changes the map to the specified one.
- nextmap <on/off>
- Cycles through maps after game ends.
- kick <player>
- Kicks the player from the game.
Client commands
- mousesens <num>
- Specifies mouse sensitivity (from 1 to 13, where 8 is default).
- teamchange
- Join the other team (good for balancing games).
- suicide
- After 10 seconds, you will die at a 4 death penalty score (use when stuck).
- viewdist <num>
- Changes how far you can see (from 100 to 2000 (higher in 1.43)).
- fov <num>
- Field of view (from 100 to 500 (higher in 1.43), where 200 is default).
- fr <on/off>
- Switches frame rate display on or off.
- connect <ip>
- Connects to the game at the specified IP-address.
Network commands
- ping
- Displays the round-trip time for a packet to reach the server and get back to you.
- latency <0 - 16>
- Force delayed packets.
- nettest <on/off>
- Displays info on the connection, packetloss in percent.
- netstat <on/off>
- Shows extended info on the connection.
- maxresend <1-40>
- Tells the server how many old packets that should be "piggy-backed" to every new packet. Use a high value if joining players are experiencing much packetloss.
- maxdup <0-4
- Tells the server the maximum number of packets that are sent to each player during packetloss. Default value: 2.